======= Wiki Help ======= --- //[[alexander.haumann@usys.ethz.ch|Alexander Haumann]] 2014/03/05// Here you can find some basic help for creating and editing of Wiki pages.\\ For any other questions please contact the assistant of the lecture.\\ ==== 1. Create a new page ==== Some of the [[:|topics]] only exist as a link to a [[:link|page]] that does not exist yet (red dashed underline). Such a link to a new page can be created by opening the editor of the current page ("//Edit//" in the upper right corner) and creating a new link: [[:link|Page name]] This has been done already for all [[:|topics]] available. In order to create that page, click on the link and on "//create//" (upper right corner).\\ For each topic in the [[:|OceanWiki]] there should only be one page. So, please first check with the assistant before you create new pages (besides the listed [[:|topics]]). If you edited a topic, please write down your name under "//Author//" on the respective page.\\ ==== 2. Structure & Style ==== Each Wiki page should be clearly structured and nicely designed. For this reason you should make use of [[#headings_tables_of_content|headings, tables of content]], [[#links|links]], [[#references|references]], clearly visible [[#adding_figures|figures]], readable [[#adding_equations|equations]], and [[#adding_tables_lists|tables and item lists]]. The syntax for different text styles such as **bold** or //italic// is described in detail on the [[wiki:syntax|Syntax Wiki Page]].\\ Each Wiki page should consist of the most important information of the corresponding topic in a as short as possible and to the point manner. Since these pages are made by students and for students and serve also as a preparation for the exam or help with solving the exercises, it is good to keep them not too long but still with the most important points. Please also check already existing topics as an orientation.\\ == 2.1. Headings & Tables of Content == In this Wiki there are 5 levels of headings. You can create them by putting equal-signs on either side of the heading: ====== Level 1 Heading ====== ... == Level 5 Heading == Numbering, if desired, needs to be added manually. A table of content is created automatically, if the following criteria are fulfilled: At least 3 headings of level 1 to 3. Level 4 and 5 will not be displayed in the table of contents.\\ == 2.2. Links == [[#additional_helpful_links|Additional helpful links]] can be very useful or serve as a [[#references|reference]]. They are created by putting them between double squared brackets. The link address and the link name should be separated by a vertical line.\\ Link to an existing section of this page (heading):\\ [[#additional_helpful_links | Additional helpful links]] Link to another existing page in this Wiki:\\ [[: | main page]] [[:help | Wiki Help]] Link to an external page:\\ [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/manual | Wiki Manual]] == 2.3. References == Writing articles with scientific content includes **always** referencing. This is also valid for the Wiki. However, there is no specific format. The general rule is: Directly copied text must be printed in //italic font// and/or "quotes" followed by a reference. New formulations of existing knowledge, figures, or a citation of another author requires always a reference. References can be added directly inside the text [Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citation], as a footnote[[#references|[1]]], or in the author-year format [[#references|[Wikipedia, 2014]]]. This is valid for web pages, books, and scientific articles.\\ == 2.4. Adding Figures == Inserting figures into your Wiki page is illustrative and very helpful. You can either add them by uploading them onto the Wiki or by inserting an external link to another page.\\ In order to upload an image onto the Wiki, either click on the small image button when being in the //Editor// or click on //[[http://oceanwiki.ethz.ch/doku.php?id=start&do=media | Media Manager]]// in the menu to the left. Then expand the //figures// folder, and then choose the respective lecture that your entry belongs to (//lectureN//). In order to upload choose the //Upload// tab, then either drag and drop your figure or click on //Select files ...//, choose the file and then //Upload//. In order to place the image on the page, you have to set a link with double curly brackets:\\ {{figures:fig1.png|This text will show up when you roll over the image with the mouse}} You can align the image by adding two white spaces before or after the image:\\ {{ figures:fig1.png|This text will show up when you roll over the image with the mouse}} To enlarge or shrink the image, you can place a question mark after the image followed by size (width x length in pixel):\\ {{ figures:fig1.png?300x200|This text will show up when you roll over the image with the mouse}} Please always add references to the figures and pay attention that the resolution is good enough to have a good quality but not as large that it eats up our storage.\\ == 2.5. Adding Equations == Equations or mathematical symbols should **not** be added as images or normal text, but rather using the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:latex|LaTeX syntax]]. [[http://web.ift.uib.no/Teori/KURS/WRK/TeX/symALL.html|Here]] you can find a summary of mathematical symbols and formulas in a LaTeX format. In order to insert something in the LaTeX format you have to place it between Dollar signs:\\ $\rho $ results in "$\rho$". This works also for equations. If you want an equation to appear in a new line, you can use the following: \begin{equation*} N^2 = -\frac{g}{\rho} \frac{\partial{\sigma_{\vartheta}}}{\partial{z}}, \end{equation*} results in: \begin{equation*} N^2 = -\frac{g}{\rho} \frac{\partial{\sigma_{\vartheta}}}{\partial{z}}, \end{equation*} or if you have multiple equations after each other: \begin{eqnarray*} & & \frac{3}{4 \pi} \sqrt{4 \cdot x^2 + 12},\\ & & e^{i \pi} + 1 = 0. \end{eqnarray*} results in: \begin{eqnarray*} & & \frac{3}{4 \pi} \sqrt{4 \cdot x^2 + 12}\\ & & e^{i \pi} + 1 = 0. \end{eqnarray*} If you leave out the stars ''*'', the equations will be numbered. Generally you should declare all variables and constants. Please only use the equations provided in the lecture.\\ == 2.6. Adding Tables & Lists == Sometimes tables or listings are a good tool for a clear layout. Tables are added by a header line (separated by "^") and followed by the content (separated by "|"): ^ Week ^ Date ^ Lecture ^ ^ 1 | 19.2. | Introduction and Motivation | A listing is added by adding a new line and two white spaces in the beginning followed by a "*" or "-" and then followed by another white space and the text.\\ ==== 3. Additional helpful links ==== * [[wiki:syntax|Wiki Syntax]] * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/manual|Wiki Manual]] * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:latex|LaTeX plugin]] for equations * [[http://web.ift.uib.no/Teori/KURS/WRK/TeX/symALL.html|Summary of mathematical LaTeX symbols]] ==== 4. References ==== (For example:)\\ [1] Page for „Citation“. In: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Date: February 23, 2014, 12:30 UTC. URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citation (Last checked: March 5, 2014, 17:30 UTC)\\